Data furthers our understanding, and understanding is the foundation of change.

TendLab is a convener.
We bring together both individual and institutional researchers to illuminate the path that leads to a sustainable future for working caregivers. We partner with research organizations and share our own learnings to better inform both our actions (from programming to political) and our community (from caregivers to companies). Our research allows us to tell compelling stories and take actions grounded in both conviction and data.

If you’re a researcher
We’ll help you shape your thesis, explore funding options, and find collaborators when needed. We’ll also give you access to our existing data and projects, and help you publish or publicize your research.

If you need research
We’ll source data from our existing projects, organize surveys and case studies from our client base, or match you with researchers, scientists, and others who can help produce the data you’re looking for.


We’re currently learning more about:

 What parents really need to succeed at work

 Which benefits are most important to employees in varying sectors, industries, age groups

 The most common challenges People Leaders face in determining how to support parents

 How supporting working parents is vital for company success


We are proud to work with the following organizations to further our mission of well-researched action!



Institutional Partners:


Industry Partners:

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Do you want to research with us? Fill out our Contact form and let us know!